ESA BIC Poland has a broad network of partners who help to support the initiative. 
If you want to join ESA BIC Poland as a partner, please contact us.


European Space Agency


ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) are the largest network of incubators supporting space related start-ups in Europe. The objective is to support entrepreneurs with a space-based business idea and help them developing their product while getting their company off the ground. In the process, they create and grow clusters of space-related start-ups across Europe.

For details on ESA visit their official website and also these dedicated web sites for how ESA support Open Innovation, makes patents available and other technology available for transfer to you as an exisiting company or start-up.

Industrial Development Agency


Industrial Development Agency JSC (ARP) is responsible for implementation and management of ESA BIC Poland. 
ARP tasks in ESA BIC Poland project include: promotion, scouting, start-up selection, financing, management, reporting and creating an ecosystem around incubated start-ups.   

ARP is a state-owned, joint stock company supervised by the Prime Minister with 100% Treasury shareholding. ARP combines its public mission with business activity.

Our mission: We switch development on. We change the industry. 

ARP conducts activities for the development of human resources in the Polish space technology sector, in particular through the organization of internships (Polish Space Fellowship Program), trainings, and workshops as well as activities promoting the Polish space sector in the country and abroad. It also provides financial and non-financial support to entities in the space sector. ARP prepared and implemented its own development program for the space technology sector called Space technology sector support program. 

Partners network

ESA BIC Poland is an incubator whose operation is based on the cooperation of many institutions. Providing support tailored to the needs of a startup requires the involvement of many partners with very different competences and resources. Financial institutions, experienced incubators, research institutes, technology or consulting companies together provide the support that is necessary for the rapid development of a product or service as part of the incubation process. This is how the roles of partners are defined:

  • Incubation Partner – runs the incubation process, has extensive experience in incubation, acceleration and cooperation with startups;

  • Financial Partner – participates in non-refundable financing for start-ups (incentive);
  • Technical Partner – provide technical support for start-up, has competence, knowledge and R&D infrastructure in a specific technological area;

  • Office support Partner – provides access to office space for incubatees;
  • Business and legal support Partner provides business or legal support for startups, has competence and knowledge in the field of business development or provides legal services.

The partners are gathered in two consortia corresponding to the regions where the incubator is run: Mazowsze and Podkarpacie. The leader of the Mazowieckie consortium is the Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship, the leader of the Podkarpackie consortium is the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Each of these entities is responsible for the selection of partners. The key role in the project is played by the partners responsible for incubation: the Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship and the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency.

Mazovia – Warsaw Location

Incubation Partner

Foundation For Technology Entrepreneurship

Office Support Partner

Brain Embassy

Technical Support Partners

National Centre For Nuclear Research
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
Łukasiewicz Institute of Aviation
Łukasiewicz Tele and Radio Research Institute
Łukasiewicz Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements
Łukasiewicz Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics
PIAP Space
Łukasiewicz Institute for Sustainable Technologies
Creotech Instruments

Business and Legal Support Partners

ABGi Poland (formerly Absiskey)
Center for Innovation
Osborne Clarke Olkiewicz Świerzewski i Wspólnicy S.K.A.
KP Labs
Planet Partners
Integrated Solutions

Podkarpackie – Rzeszów Location

Incubation, Financial and Office Support Partner

Rzeszów Regional Development Agency

Administrative Support

Województwo Podkarpackie



Business Support Partners

Aviation Valley
Planet Partners
Integrated Solutions

Financial Partner for Debt Support

Regional Development Agency MARR S.A.

Technical Support Partners

Rzeszów University of Technology
University of Rzeszów
Olimp Labs
PZL Mielec
Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych

ESA Partnership Initiative for Commercialisation

The ESA Partnership Initiative for Commercialisation (EPIC) is an initiative connecting corporate, academic and institutional partners with ESA supported start-ups. EPIC aims to empower entrepreneurship and enhance the commercial cases of European start-ups through brokering clear synergetic offers.

The ESA BIC start-ups benefit from access to exclusive and preferential offers of products and services by the EPIC partners. Through engaging with the EPIC partners start-ups can gain new business insights, supply chain partners and commercial opportunities.