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ABGi Poland (formerly Absiskey Polska)

  • Post category:Partner

ABGi Poland provides business support to start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland.

About the company

ABGi Poland is part of the international consulting firm ABGi which belongs to the Visiativ group headquartered in Lyon, France. We have been operating in the Polish market since 2014.
We are a team of experts with many years of experience working with business, public, and scientific clients. We understand the requirements of financing and regulatory institutions.
We take a rigorous approach to the quality of our work, and we are here to support your organization in building a competitive advantage.
Since the creation of ABGi Poland, we have been supporting clients in obtaining financing for their projects from European funds (including the EU Horizon Europe Framework Program) and national funds (including PARP and NCBiR).
We are a partner for companies using space technologies and applying for funding from the European Space Agency (ESA). Since 2022, we have been serving as an ESA Technology Broker and ESA Application Ambassador for Poland.
We also support clients in settling R&D tax reliefs.

Business support offer

 Services provided free of charge to the incubated startup:

  • Support in adapting ideas to the requirements of programs and competitions to increase the startup’s chances of obtaining funding (idea incubation).
  • Consulting and submitting proposals under the ESA BASS and InCubed Programs (ESA Business Ambassadors).
  • Consulting ideas within ESA Spark Funding PL
  • Support in identifying non-space sector companies interested in applying space technology, as well as advising on identifying funds for such transfers.
  • Support in searching for grants (national and European).
  • Building business plans, roadmaps, and exploitation plans.

Paid services that may be provided to the incubated startup:

  • Support in the preparation of project proposals under Horizon Europe, EIC Accelerator, ESA, national programs, and others.
  • Support in building a consortium and finding potential consortium partners.
  • Support with project settlements.


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If you need more information about the support of ESA BIC Poland partners, contact us: