Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych Sp. z o.o. provides technical support to
start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland. As part of the support offered, a startup can receive technological and financial advice.
About the company
Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych Sp. z o.o. operates in the Euro-Park Mielec Special Economic Zone. For years, it has continued the tradition of Mielec co-op in the production of assemblies and retail parts for passenger aircraft. Since 2008, the company has produced complete Krueger flaps for the Boeing 777 aircraft. WZK products include numerous assemblies and retail parts for almost all models of Boeing passenger aircraft. The direct recipient of the Mielec company’s products is the Boeing assembly line in Seattle.
The plant is equipped with modern HAAS and MAZAK machining centers, including robotic nests, on which it produces almost all components for its products. The company also conducts research and development work on modern manufacturing methods for the engineering industry, particularly for aerospace. WZK has its own research and development facilities for improving technological processes, monitoring the quality of current production, and implementing new technologies.
Technical support offer
WZK provides technical support for ESA BIC Poland Incubatee:
Free support:
- Consulting/advising on the technology of making structures and mechanisms;
- Advice on aspects of obtaining project financing;
Paid support:
- Production of prototypes, models and working copies of structures and mechanisms on behalf of clients
Visit website: https://wzk.com.pl/
If you need more information about the support of ESA BIC Poland partners, contact us: office@esabic.pl