Official opening of ESA BIC Poland in Rzeszów will take place on 23th February, 2023 in Rzeszów.
Date: 22-23.02.2023, 10:00-14:00
Place: Inkubator Podkarpackiego Parku Naukowo-Technologicznego AEROPOLIS, Jasionka 954, 36-002 Jasionka
Official call opening of ESA BIC Poland took place on January 18th, 2023 in Warsaw. We enjoyed it so much, that the second one will take place! This time, together with our partner Rzeszów Regional Development Agency, we invite you to the event in Rzeszów. Two days event: “Days of the Space Industry in Rzeszów”, is organised jointly by the Polish Space Agency, the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency S.A.
Please book a time in your calendar and join us at the event: ESA BIC Poland – Catch the Star in Rzeszów!
Please register via the Polish Space Agency website.
Agenda and the invitation to the event are available on Polish Space Agency website.
Below you can find the agenda for the second day of the event: