On January 18, the event opening call for the ESA BIC Poland incubator took place. This means that it is possible to submit applications to ESA BIC Poland. First deadline is April 14.
On January 18, an event opening call for the ESA BIC Poland incubator took place. The opening of the call means that it is possible to submit applications to ESA BIC Poland. Call is open permanent, but the evaluation of the collected applications takes place twice a year. The first deadline for collecting and evaluating applications is April 14. The second evaluation deadline is October 6. The order in which applications are submitted does not matter.
The Permanent Open Call (POC) Documentation is available at: Apply tab. There are a number of documents inside the POC, please read ESA BIC PL Open Call Template first.
You can apply to two cities where the incubation will take place – Rzeszów or Warsaw. In Warsaw, 5 startups can be accepted during the year, and 2 in Rzeszów.
The ESA BIC Poland – Catch The Star event has already become history. We would especially like to thank our speakers, without whom this event could not have happened. Thank you for your valuable time and sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
The official opening was made by:
🗣Marta Kolibabska – Head of Space Policy Department, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
🗣Michał Wierciński – Vice-president of POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna | Polish Space Agency
🗣Paweł Pacek, MBA – Director of the Technology Development Office at Industrial Development Agency JSC (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.)

The keynote speaker was:
🗣Grzegorz Brona – CEO of Creotech Instruments S.A.

Panellists „ESA BIC CEE – How to succed with ESA BIC”:
🗣Anna Arató – ESA BIC Hungary (Design Terminal)
🗣Michal Kunes – ESA BIC Czech Republic (CzechInvest)
🗣Jeremija Hranjec – ESA BIC Austria (Science Park Graz)
🗣Michał Chwieduk - ESA BIC Poland (ARP)

“ESA BIC – how we do it in Poland” speakers:
🗣Michał Chwieduk - ESA BIC Poland
🗣Magdalena Jabłońska - MIT Enterprise Forum CEE
🗣Michał Rzucidło – Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.)

Thank you for being with us!